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Questions and answers
The empty printer cartridges must be properly packed. It is best to package each toner cartridge individually in the black PE original film or another bag. Cartridges or ink cartridges where residual filling material emerges, please pack separately in plastic bags. Please refrain from polystyrene or cornflips during packaging and recommend newspaper as filling material. The sender is liable for damage caused by improper packaging.
The packages must not weigh more than 30 kg. For larger or heavier quantities, please contact us by phone or in writing.
Each consignment with empty inks or toners must be accompanied by the delivery note with your address data, your e-mail address, your telephone number and your bank details. For delays due to missing information, co. Denner assumes no liability. A listing of the content is not required.
You can hand in the finished package at each post office and send it to us (Denner GmbH, Thayapark 17, A-2136 Laa an der Thaya). We take over the shipping fees as soon as the package has a value of 30 €! These are then transferred with the value of the goods to your account. Please enclose a postal receipt, DHL proof, etc. with the package. If it happens that your package weighs up to 30 kg, just give us a call.
Recycling is the recovery of raw materials from waste for the production process. Ideally, a nearly closed cycle should be produced by recycling, with hardly any residual waste. In the case of used toner cartridges, this ideal case can (almost) be achieved.
Unfortunately, still 70% end up in the garbage can and from there on the landfill or in the waste incineration plant. This is an enormous burden on our environment. These valuable empties could be recycled without any loss of quality.
The toner cartridges and ink cartridges collected by us are made available to the recycling industry. Before you dispose these valuable empties, send them to us. And to make sure that this pays off for you, we will pay you for the most common toner and ink cartridges.
Please always send the packages to the following address:
Denner GmbH
Thaypark 17
2136 Laa an der Thaya
Of course, you can also bring your empty toner or inks to us personally. Driving directions and opening times can be found on our contact page.
After evaluating the package, you will receive the disbursement by email. Shortly thereafter, the payment is made. Therefore, it is important to provide your correct data. Your personal data will of course be treated confidentially.
Of course, you can also choose to donate all your proceeds and do something good with your empties. We work closely with various organizations that enjoy every little bit of support.
If you decide to donate your proceeds, please choose this on your enclosed delivery note. We then forward the compensation immediately and in full.
Information can be found on the homepage Mission Hoffnung.
The purchase prices are revised at regular intervals. The billing is always based on the current price list when goods are received.
Only valid original or refilled toner cartridges and ink cartridges listed on the applicable purchase price list will be reimbursed. If you send us defective or compatible empties, they will be disposed by us free of charge.
We buy from commercial end consumers, clubs, public institutions, computer retailers and private individuals. For recycling and empty traders, this list is only valid if you set up a prior arrangement with us. Deliveries of recyclers and resellers must be announced in writing in advance and require our confirmation of purchase
You can always request a collection box from us. Collection boxes, empties boxes or pallet boxes provided by the co. Denner are intended exclusively for collecting used toner cartridges and ink cartridges. The collection boxes, empties boxes, pallet boxes and their contents remain the property of co.Denner.
On the empties and recycling market too, the purchase price is based on supply and demand. The purchase of empty printer cartridges requires a demand for the recycled/remanufactured cartridges by the end user. This demand is usually given only for the most common types of cartridges. Therefore, we also buy only the empty toner or inks from the most common printer, fax and copy machine types.
Yes, we also sell them. If you are interested, please contact us by phone at 00 43 25 22 / 20 100 10 or write an e-mail to